55 research outputs found

    Entanglement detection from interference fringes in atom-photon systems

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    A measurement scheme of atomic qubits pinned at given positions is studied by analyzing the interference pattern obtained when they emit photons spontaneously. In the case of two qubits, a well-known relation is revisited, in which the interference visibility is equal to the concurrence of the state in the infinite spatial separation limit of the qubits. By taking into account the super-radiant and sub-radiant effects, it is shown that a state tomography is possible when the qubit spatial separation is comparable to the wavelength of the atomic transition. In the case of three qubits, the relations between various entanglement measures and the interference visibility are studied, where the visibility is defined from the two-qubit case. A qualitative correspondence among these entanglement relations is discussed. In particular, it is shown that the interference visibility is directly related to the maximal bipartite negativity.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, published versio

    Model-Free Idealization: Adaptive Integrated Approach for Idealization of Ion Channel Currents (AI2)

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    Single-channel electrophysiological recordings provide insights into transmembrane ion permeation and channel gating mechanisms. The first step in the analysis of the recorded currents involves an "idealization" process, in which noisy raw data are classified into two discrete levels corresponding to the open and closed states of channels. This provides valuable information on the gating kinetics of ion channels. However, the idealization step is often challenging in cases of currents with poor signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) and baseline drifts, especially when the gating model of the target channel is not identified. We report herein on a highly robust model-free idealization method for achieving this goal. The algorithm, called AI2 (Adaptive Integrated Approach for the Idealization of Ion Channel Currents), is composed of Kalman filter and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) clustering and functions without user input. AI2 automatically determines the noise reduction setting based on the degree of separation between the open and closed levels. We validated the method on pseudo-channel-current datasets which contain either computed or experimentally recorded noise. The AI2 algorithm was then tested on actual experimental data for biological channels including gramicidin A, a voltage-gated sodium channel, and other unidentified channels. We compared the idealization results with those obtained by the conventional methods, including the 50%-threshold-crossing method

    Diagnosis, Pathological Findings, and Clinical Management of Gangliocytic Paraganglioma: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Although gangliocytic paraganglioma (GP) is considered a rare benign neuroendocrine tumor, cases of mortality have been reported. Occasionally, GP is misdiagnosed as neuroendocrine tumor G1, which is associated with a poorer prognosis than GP. To avoid such misdiagnoses, it is important to understand the clinicopathological characteristics of GP. Thus, herein, we discuss the current literature on the clinicopathological characteristics of GP.Methods: We conducted a systematic review in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement. PubMed and Japana Centra Revuo Medicina searches were used to identify papers describing GP. Inclusion criteria included confirmation of epithelioid, spindle-shaped, and ganglion-like cells in the main article and/or figures and whether the paper was cited in other studies of GP. Data were collected on age, sex, site of the primary lesion, tumor size, treatment, prognosis, lymph node metastasis (LNM), depth of tumor invasion, rate of preoperative diagnosis, and clinical symptoms.Results: In total, 162 papers containing 263 cases of GP met the criteria. The mean age at diagnosis was 53.5 years. The male-to-female ratio was 157:104. The mean tumor size was 25.7 mm. The predominant site of the primary tumor was the duodenum (89.7%). The most common clinical sign of GP was gastrointestinal bleeding (47.9%). Other signs and symptoms of GP included abdominal pain (44.7%), anemia (20.3%), incidental findings (12.9%), nausea (6.9%), weight loss (5.5%), general fatigue (5.1%), jaundice (4.6%), and incidental autopsy findings (5.1%). LNM was observed in 11.4% of patients. Liver metastasis was observed in 1.1% of patients. Depth of tumor invasion (penetrating beyond the submucosal layer or sphincter of Oddi) was by far the most significant risk factor for LNM in patients with GP. This suggests, along with histological heterogeneity, that GP may have hamartomatous characteristics. Furthermore, immunohistochemical expression of progesterone receptor and pancreatic polypeptide were useful in distinguishing between GP and neuroendocrine tumor G1, even in small biopsy specimens.Conclusions: We reveal the clinicopathological characteristics of GP, including risk factors for LNM, differential diagnostic approaches, and improvements in the clinical management of this tumor.In addition, GP may have hamartomatous characteristics


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    【目的】アメリカ軍は1961年から1971年の間に8000万リットル以上の枯葉剤を南ベトナムに撒布した。この研究の目的はベトナムの枯葉剤高濃度汚染地域(Binh Dinh省Phu Cat県)と非汚染地域(Ha Nam省Kim Bang県)において枯葉剤(オレンジ剤)の暴露と人体への健康影響との関連を検討することである。【方法】2つの地域において疫学的調査を実施した。対象者は授乳中で生後4週から16週の乳児を持つ20-30歳の母親とし、汚染地域では58名、非汚染地域では53名であった。疾患の危険因子等に関する情報は母親への面接調査から得た。母乳をすべての対象者から採取したが、唾液を採取したのは汚染地域41名、非汚染地域19名であった。母親と子どもの身体計測を行い2地域間で比較を行った。【結果と考察】汚染地域における乳児の体重と胸囲は有意に非汚染地域よりも小さいが、年齢(週数)も汚染地域の方が有意に低かった。汚染地域における母親とその家族の現病歴は非汚染地域よりも有意に多かった。母親の視力は両眼とも2地域間で有意差は認められなかった。汚染地域と非汚染地域双方の母親の唾液中のコルチゾン値は、母乳中のコルチゾン値と高い相関を示した。汚染地域と非汚染地域間で唾液中のホルモン値には有意差は認められなかった。Objective : Between 1961 and 1971 the US military used over 80 million litres of herbicides in southern Vietnam. This study aims to assess hormone levels in the saliva of lactating Vietnamese mothers and human health effects in a dioxin hot spot (Phu Cat district, Binh Dinh province) and a non-exposed (Kim Bang district, Ha Nam province) area in Vietnam. Materials and Methods : An epidemiological study was carried out in both areas. The subjects were 58 lactating females in the hot spot area and 53 lactating females in the non-exposed area. All were aged between 20 and 30 years with infants aged between 4 and 16 weeks. Information about disease risk factors was obtained through interviews with mothers. Breastmilk samples were taken from all subjects, whereas saliva samples were obtained from 41 mothers in the hot spot area and 19 in the non-exposed area. Body measurements for both mothers and their infants were compared between the two areas. Result and Discussion : The weight and chest circumference of infants in the hot spot area were significantly lower than those in the non-exposed area, whereas age (weeks) is also significantly younger in hot spot area than non-exposed area. Present maternal and family diseases in the hot spot area were significantly higher than those in the non-exposed area. Maternal eyesight in both eyes did not differ significantly between the two areas. The cortisone levels in saliva have been found to be closely related to those in breast milk samples of both mothers in hot spot and non-exposed areas. No significant difference was found between salivary hormone levels of mothers in the hot spot and non-exposed areas

    Genome-wide SNP analysis reveals population structure and demographic history of the ryukyu islanders in the southern part of the Japanese archipelago.

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    The Ryukyu Islands are located to the southwest of the Japanese archipelago. Archaeological evidence has revealed the existence of prehistoric cultural differentiation between the northern Ryukyu islands of Amami and Okinawa, and the southern Ryukyu islands of Miyako and Yaeyama. To examine a genetic subdivision in the Ryukyu Islands, we conducted genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism typing of inhabitants from the Okinawa Islands, the Miyako Islands, and the Yaeyama Islands. Principal component and cluster analyses revealed genetic differentiation among the island groups, especially between Okinawa and Miyako. No genetic affinity was observed between aboriginal Taiwanese and any of the Ryukyu populations. The genetic differentiation observed between the inhabitants of the Okinawa Islands and the Miyako Islands is likely to have arisen due to genetic drift rather than admixture with people from neighboring regions. Based on the observed genetic differences, the divergence time between the inhabitants of Okinawa and Miyako islands was dated to the Holocene. These findings suggest that the Pleistocene inhabitants, whose bones have been found on the southern Ryukyu Islands, did not make a major genetic contribution, if any, to the present-day inhabitants of the southern Ryukyu Islands

    Fabrication of a Gelatin-Based Microdevice for Vascular Cell Culture

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    This study presents a novel technique for fabricating microfluidic devices with microbial transglutaminase-gelatin gels instead of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), in which flow culture simulates blood flow and a capillary network is incorporated for assays of vascular permeability or angiogenesis. We developed a gelatin-based device with a coverslip as the bottom, which allows the use of high-magnification lenses with short working distances, and we observed the differences in cell dynamics on gelatin, glass, and PDMS surfaces. The tubes of the gelatin microfluidic channel are designed to be difficult to pull out of the inlet hole, making sample introduction easy, and the gelatin channel can be manipulated from the cell introduction to the flow culture steps in a manner comparable to that of a typical PDMS channel. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDFs) were successfully co-cultured, resulting in structures that mimicked blood vessels with inner diameters ranging from 10 µm to 500 µm. Immunostaining and scanning electron microscopy results showed that the affinity of fibronectin for gelatin was stronger than that for glass or PDMS, making gelatin a suitable substrate for cell adhesion. The ability for microscopic observation at high magnification and the ease of sample introduction make this device easier to use than conventional gelatin microfluidics, and the above-mentioned small modifications in the device structure are important points that improve its convenience as a cell assay device

    CCL2 secreted from cancer-associated mesothelial cells promotes peritoneal metastasis of ovarian cancer cells through the P38-MAPK pathway

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    Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is considered to secrete various factors in order to promote peritoneal dissemination through cell-to-cell interaction between cancer and mesothelial cells. We previously revealed that TGF-β secreted from EOC induces normal human peritoneal mesothelial cells (HPMCs) to differentiate into cancer-associated mesothelial cells (CAMCs). However, the relationship between tumor cells and CAMCs in EOC is still unclear. We hypothesized that CAMCs also secrete chemokines that attract cancer cells and induce peritoneal dissemination of EOC. We examined chemokines secreted from HPMCs and CAMCs by human chemokine array, and revealed that conditioned medium of CAMCs (CAMCs-CM) included many types of chemokines. The signals of CCL2 were the highest compared with other chemokines. The secretion and relative expression of CCL2 were significantly higher in CAMCs. Recombinant CCL2 promoted trans-mesothelial migration of HPMCs and the migration and invasion by EOC cells. In addition, CCL2 secreted from CAMCs promoted invasion of EOC cells. Furthermore, the neutralizing antibody of CCL2 reduced invasion by EOC. Clinical outcomes of patients whose tissue expressed higher CCR2 were significantly poorer than in patients whose tissue expression was lower. CCL2 activated the phosphorylation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). In addition, CAMCs-CM activated the p38 MAPK pathway. Phosphorylation of p38 MAPK reduced with the presence of neutralizing antibody of CCL2. In conclusion, these data indicate CCL2 in CAMCs-CM promoted the malignant potential of EOC. CCL2 plays a crucial role in the tumor microenvironment of EOC

    Geographic distribution and phylogeny of soricine shrew-borne seewis virus and Altai virus in Russia

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    The discovery of genetically distinct hantaviruses (family Hantaviridae) in multiple species of shrews, moles and bats has revealed a complex evolutionary history involving cross-species transmission. Seewis virus (SWSV) is widely distributed throughout the geographic ranges of its soricid hosts, including the Eurasian common shrew (Sorex araneus), tundra shrew (Sorex tundrensis) and Siberian large-toothed shrew (Sorex daphaenodon), suggesting host sharing. In addition, genetic variants of SWSV, previously named Artybash virus (ARTV) and Amga virus, have been detected in the Laxmann’s shrew (Sorex caecutiens). Here, we describe the geographic distribution and phylogeny of SWSV and Altai virus (ALTV) in Asian Russia. The complete genomic sequence analysis showed that ALTV, also harbored by the Eurasian common shrew, is a new hantavirus species, distantly related to SWSV. Moreover, Lena River virus (LENV) appears to be a distinct hantavirus species, harbored by Laxmann’s shrews and flat-skulled shrews (Sorex roboratus) in Eastern Siberia and fareastern Russia. Another ALTV-related virus, which is more closely related to Camp Ripley virus from the United States, has been identified in the Eurasian least shrew (Sorex minutissimus) from far-eastern Russia. Two highly divergent viruses, ALTV and SWSV co-circulate among common shrews in Western Siberia, while LENV and the ARTV variant of SWSV co-circulate among Laxmann’s shrews in Eastern Siberia and far-eastern Russia. ALTV and ALTV-related viruses appear to belong to the Mobatvirus genus, while SWSV is a member of the Orthohantavirus genus. These findings suggest that ALTV and ALTV-related hantaviruses might have emerged from ancient cross-species transmission with subsequent diversification within Sorex shrews in Eurasia